Accidents are going to happen no matter how safe a workplace or job site may seem. Workers can unexpectedly end up tripping, falling or suffering lacerations and muscle strains. For those who work in high-risk industries like construction or manufacturing, it’s not uncommon to be seriously injured by workplace hazards. Here are a few hazards often seen on job sites or in workplaces across Iowa.
Ergonomic hazards refer to hazards that employees may face when physically performing daily job duties. Ergonomic hazards usually come with manual labor duties like pulling, pushing or holding heavy objects. However, long work shifts or sudden changes in job schedules can cause distress in employees, both physically as well as in their personal lives.
Thousands of workplaces across the country use chemicals in one form or another. These types of chemicals range from cleaning products to dangerous fluids used in factories. Exposure to chemicals can cause severe illness or injury in workers. Examples include compressed gas, asbestos, exhaust fumes and corrosive or reactive liquids.
Some workplace hazards can affect employees mentally or emotionally. These are known as psychosocial hazards. For example, an employee can suffer great stress due to poor management or overbearing workloads. Bullying or violence in the workplace can also cause a great deal of emotional or psychological stress in victims.
Luckily, employees who suffer injuries or illness due to workplace hazards can file for workers’ compensation benefits to provide them with financial support as well as medical coverage while they recover. Iowa workers who have been injured on the job and need help applying for workers’ comp may want to consider consulting an attorney. A seasoned lawyer can answer tough questions and help individuals get started with the application process.
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